gentleman is looked upon by the lady as a mean prig, with no spirit and unworthy of notice or respect. I want to be virtuous with dignity, and that is another reason why I would like to be

a woman.

From this pack of emotional reasons there emerges at least one that may be considered intellectual. It is a way of looking at facts and logic. Long ago I cured myself of the vicious habit of believing facts, but it took many years. Men have a sort of senseless craving for the facts about any given situation. They seem to think that if they know the facts and figures they have the whole thing in a nut shell.

Being a man myself, I followed this useless practice for a long time, until I began to realize that no human problem can be solved by a study of the bare facts of the case. Everything worth- while comes from the heart. The purpose of the mind, with its logic and its categories of fact, is simply to make an excuse for psychic impulses.

Women know instinctively that no fact can ever be the whole truth; that a fact merely conceals something deeper and more vital. I think it a most admirable way of looking at things.

Women are saturated with realism; they are intense realists. I am a thoroughgoing realist myself, and at times this attitude of mine makes it rather hard for me to deal with men, who are virt- ually all complete romanticists. Men win by attempting the impo88- ible. It is true that most of them fail to carry out their roman- tic dreams, and the wrecks of their nameless little barks are the driftwood on the shores of civilization. But a few come in under gallant white sails; so we have Edison and Columbus and Julius Caesar and Benjamin Franklin.

Women are too sensible to try anything of the kind. They prefer to enjoy life rather than to strive for something which may not be worth having after they get it.

One rarely finds idealists among women, for they feel instin- ctively that the central, unconscious motive of the idealist is a hatred of his fellow creatures. It is a curious thing that women hate individuals and not people in mass. Even when they tell you that they dislike certain races of nations you can learn readily
